Com a TEXTIL MODA esse período de gestação, de certa forma, é vivido. Temos três meses entre uma edição e outra para ver, olhar e respirar moda e tudo que dialoga com ela dentro de uma temática específica.
Aí sim começar a dar forma à nuvem de ideias e transformá-las em matéria física. Hoje, em duas horas de conversa com as talentosas stylists Betina Bernauer e Cinthia Kiste, comecei a enxergar como será a nossa capa e o editorial principal da edição.
Muitos insights, muitas ideias. Não posso contar muito, mas será uma moda masculina nova e fresca, que ajudará aos profissionais do meio a pensar esse segmento de uma maneira diferente.
Por hora, só uma imagem, uma inspiração...
PS: Photo Arena Homme +, SS 2012.
"Some people think that the magazines are born overnight. Before it was. Always try to show in the posts here about the materials that I like are the processes. Sometimes it takes more than a year to be born and a text published. I love this time of ripening so rare in publications nowadays ...
"Some people think that the magazines are born overnight. Before it was. Always try to show in the posts here about the materials that I like are the processes. Sometimes it takes more than a year to be born and a text published. I love this time of ripening so rare in publications nowadays ...
With TEXTIL FASHION this gestation period, in a way, is lived. We have three months between one edition and another to see, look and breathe fashion and everything that speaks to her within a specific theme.
Then yes begin to shape the cloud of ideas and turn them into physical matter. Today, in a two-hour conversation with the talented stylists Betina Bernauer and Cinthia Kiste, I began to see how it will be our cover and main editorial of the issue.
Many insights, many ideas. I can not tell much, but it will be a menswear new and fresh, which will help the professionals to think through this segment in a different way.
For now, only an image, an inspiration... (Translation by Google)"
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