Nem a estreia de Alexander Wang para a Balenciaga provocou muita emoção. Coleção correta, bons tecidos, mas nenhuma surpresa.
Vamos esperar e ver se Louis Vuitton ou Givenchy conseguem trazer o wow que está faltando nessa temporada. Oremos!
Todas as fotos do post são da Balenciaga. Desfile completo aqui.
"The international fashion weeks are so far seems so calm that not what is happening, see anything that does not say much for them here.
"The international fashion weeks are so far seems so calm that not what is happening, see anything that does not say much for them here.
Neither the premiere of Alexander Wang to Balenciaga caused much excitement. Collection correct, good fabrics, but no surprise.
Let's wait and see if Louis Vuitton or Givenchy can bring the wow that is missing this season. Let's pray! (Translation by Google)"
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