Bacana ver que a coleção está bastante sóbria e que o grande hit é a mistura de materiais: couro, lá, jeans! Será que o homem brasileiro encara um calça de couro? Bom que ainda tem um verão para pensar sobre o assunto até o próximo inverno chegar...
"Arthur Gosse, Yuri Pleskun and Marlon Teixeira in the winter campaign of Zara. The video is very good and is on the website of the brand. See here.
"Arthur Gosse, Yuri Pleskun and Marlon Teixeira in the winter campaign of Zara. The video is very good and is on the website of the brand. See here.
Nice to see that the collection is quite sober and the big hit is the mix of materials: leather, there jeans! Does the Brazilian man faces a leather pants? Well we still have a summer to think about it until the next winter comes... (Translation by Google)"
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