sexta-feira, setembro 09, 2011

NYFW SS 2012 - Day 1: Colors

E ontem teve início a Semana de Moda de Nova York ou New York Fashion Week. Como as fotos demoram um pouco para subir, sempre comentaria um dia depois, but no worries.

Do primeiro dia destaque para as cores. Parece que depois do big trendy color block, elas continuam fazendo bonito, porém mais diluídas nos looks.

BCBG Max Azria e seu bom desfile confirmam essa nova vontade com vestidos leves, assimétricos e gostosos de ver!!! Agora é esperar o que vem pela frente!!! Coleção completa aqui.

"And yesterday began the Fashion Week in New York or New York Fashion Week. As the photos take a while to climb, always comment a day later, but no worries.
From the first day especially the colors. It seems that after the big trendy color block, they are still making beautiful, but more diluted in looks.
BCBG Max Azria show and confirm its good will with this new light dresses, asymmetric and fun to see! The time now is wait for what lies ahead! Complete collection here. (Translated by Google)"

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