Além disso, foi um dos mais bonitos da noite e destacou uma tendência recorrente entre os homens na apresentação, a barba!!! Certeza que vira moda já!!!
Entre as lindas, destaque para a Charlize Teron de Dior Couture. Como pode ser bonita assim? E para a grande ganhadora do Oscar, Jennifer Lawrence, também de Dior Couture. Sorry, Valentinos.
E o McQueen da noite vai para... tcha, tcha, tcha...
Amanda Seyfried e Salma Hayek, que cagou no McQueen com as jóias erradas!
"From everything that appeared in the Oscar 2013, a round of applause for the speech of Ben Affleck (pictured above with his wife, Jennifer Garner), which highlights something that I personally believe a lot has to go after what you want!
"From everything that appeared in the Oscar 2013, a round of applause for the speech of Ben Affleck (pictured above with his wife, Jennifer Garner), which highlights something that I personally believe a lot has to go after what you want!
Moreover, it was one of the nicest evening and highlighted a recurring tendency among men in the presentation, the beard!! Sure turns fashion now!!
Among the beautiful, especially Charlize Theron in Dior Couture. How can you be so beautiful? And for the big Oscar winner, Jennifer Lawrence, also of Dior Couture. Sorry, Valentinos.
And McQueen night goes to ... cha, cha, cha ...
Amanda Seyfried and Salma Hayek, who shat in McQueen wrong with jewelry! (Translation by Google)"