domingo, julho 04, 2010

The muse is back!!!!

Depois de bombar em 2009, a musa australiana Abbey Lee andava meio sumidinha das campanhas e das grandes publicações - sumidinha nesse caso significa apenas algumas aparições em Vogues asiáticas, uma ou outra i-D, Vogue Itália etc...

Mas isso está bem perto de mudar. Com as campanhas internacionais de inverno aparecendo e mostrando as suas escolhidas, já podemos ver que os padrinhos da aussie girl são poderosos: Karl Lagerfeld e Steven Meisel. Chanel, Mulberry e Fendi já são delas, qual mais????


"After bombing in editorials in 2009, the muse Australian Abbey Lee was a little bit out of campaigns and major publications - out in this case means just a few appearances in Asian's Vogues, either i-D, Italian Vogue etc...
But it is very near to change. With winter looming international campaigns and showing their chosen, we can see that the big names looking after the Aussie girl are powerful: Karl Lagerfeld and Steven Meisel. Chanel, Mulberry and Fendi already piched her for their campaigns, who also will choose her? Make your bets! (Translated by Google)"

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